Friday, July 29, 2011

Another year between posts.

Well, it's almost Gen Con again. it looks like the last time I actually wrote a blog I was also talking about Gen Con. Excuses aside, it's been a long time. What's that? "What have you been up to, Mike?" I'm glad you asked.

General Life:
Dante's a little over a year old now. He's really cute. I know some people say that all babies are cute, but they're lying. Dante, however, really is cute. He gets that from his mother.
My friends and gaming cohorts, Elly and Mike, got married in December. Elly got into The Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme so she and Mike are moving to Japan for the next one to three years. Other friends and gaming buddies, Victor, James, and Solomon, are moving to Chicago. We really need to find new blood for our tabletop group.

Tabletop Games:
I really wish I had more to report on this one. We finished our end-times mage campaign. I personally stiched Ananasi and the Weaver back into one being. We released the Wyrm. And the Wyrm destroyed the world. we all died, but we got the satisfaction of knowing that the Tellurian was preserved so the world could be remade within it.
After that we really haven't tabletopped other than the occasional board/card game like Dominion or Red Dragon Inn. I'm working on a bite-sized Desolation adventure that could be run at a con, but it's kind of stalled for the moment. I would love to get back into a tabletop RPG. Time to start looking for new bodies.

Video Games:
This one I have been doing a lot in. I finished God of War III, Dante's Inferno, Portal 2, and Bayonetta. I started The Force Unleashed, Assassin's Creed, Infamous, and Mortal Kombat. I've been trying to earn a platinum trophy on Final Fantasy XIII, so I haven't finished that one yet.
Cataclysm came out. I got it and took launch day off of work to play it. In February I was still only 83 and let my account lapse. I started it up again in May and finally hit 85.

Stuff I'm Looking Forward To:
I'm really looking forward to Star Wars: The Old Republic. I wouldn't consider myself a "huge" Star Wars nerd, especially compared to other huge Star Wars nerds. Having said that, I have high hopes for The Old Republic.
Along with a significant portion of the population, I am eagerly awaiting Diablo 3. Hopefully we'll get more information at BlizzCon. Also from Blizzard, Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm has been revealed and looks awsome. I really need to finish Wings of Liberty. And I am really hoping to hear about Blizzard's new IP MMO.

That pretty much sums it up. I promise that I'm planning on updating more regularly. Luckilly, I'm not really apologizing to anybody because no one reads this blog anyway. Who knows, maybe that will change soon. My next post will most likely be a Gen Con recap.

Until then,
Good Gaming.

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